Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Language & Representations



Read this review of Horizon Forbidden West in the Financial Times (should be non-paywalled but you can read the text of article here if needed). Answer the following questions:

1)Why does Guerrilla Games have 'a serious case of bad timing'?

A highly anticipated game came out: Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild which overtook horizon very quickly.

2)What is the narrative for the original game Horizon Zero Dawn?

The game took place a thousand years after robots took over humanity. The survivors are separated into different tribes who see the technology as suspicious or have religious reverence to them.

3)How is the central character Aloy described?

Aloy's movement is described as ultra-fluid, and she is portrayed as a skilled and agile character who transitions between sliding, climbing, and using new tools such as a grappling hook and paraglider.

4)What is the narrative and setting for the sequel Horizon Forbidden West?

The text mentions that in Horizon Forbidden West, there is an extensive main story, underwater caves to explore, salvage contracts to fulfil, towering giraffe-bots to scale, and even an entire board game to master.

5)What does the review say about animation and graphics?

It notes that Forbidden West's gameplay offers robust and satisfying combat beneath its good looks. It implies that the graphics are visually appealing.

6)What do we learn about the gameplay and activities in Horizon Forbidden West?

Forbidden West's gameplay is described as robust and satisfying combat with Aloy's ultra-fluid movement. Players engage in tense and exciting fights with robot enemies, requiring strategic thinking. The sequel introduces new tools like a grappling hook and paraglider. The game's world is expansive, with underwater caves, salvage contracts, and various activities that feel consequential due to smart design and writing.

Trailer Analysis:

1) How is narrative, character, and setting introduced in the trailer?
We can see how the game world has been overtaken by an evil force and enemies, we can see how the antagonist traits are conveyed via the colour of the blight and enemies and how they wear red clothing.

2) How is the game's open world/sandbox genre shown in the trailer?
Shows the setting of the game and the sizeable landmarks, with the addition of the paraglider and grappling hook players can tell that the game would be an open-world game as they can traverse using these items.

3) What representations can you find in the trailer?
We can see how the main character Aloy is a female and her voiceover shows how determined she is to save the world, we can also see how in the video she is taking down different enemies by herself which shows a stronger representation of women.

Gameplay Video Analysis:

1) How does the game use media language to communicate ideas about narrative and genre?
We can tell if a character is an antagonist or protagonist from the colour of clothing and the light that can be seen as the protagonists are blue and the antagonists are red.

2) What representations of people, places, or groups can you find in the gameplay video?
We can see how Aloy the main character is a strong woman character. We can see tribal people and how they live in huts and tame wild robot animals, there are also other things such as the dragon that represents a Chinese dragon.

3) What audience pleasures are suggested by this gameplay trailer?
We can see the open world and action pleasure in the game and how intense the opening sequence is in the trailer. We can also see how there is the robot animals which can appeal to fans of si-fi genre.

Narrative and genre

Read this excellent Den of Geek article that addresses elements of narrative and genre. You can find the article text here if the link is blocked. Answer the following questions: 

1) Read the opening to the article. How can we apply Steve Neale's genre theory to Horizon Forbidden West?
The article suggests that the game sticks to a formula and that the game is similar to Zero Dawn.

2) How many copies did the Horizon Zero Dawn sell and why did this influence the design of the sequel?
The game has sold over 20 million copies

3) How does the article criticise the story in Horizon Forbidden West? 
That there are too many side characters springing out from nowhere, but they are reliant on endless dialogue.

4) What do we learn about the gameplay? 
It is a hunting-style combat system game where you have to take down robots which have taken over the world and learn to survive and progress.

5) What is the article's overall summary of the game?
The article is generally positive to the games suggesting that the open-world genre of the game is a step in the right direction. It allows them to have "ambitious artistic ideas".


1) How does Horizon Forbidden West use narrative to create a fully diverse cast of characters?
As humanity is destroyed, robots take over the world and recreate humans with the genetic diversity of humans but without the history and societal underpinnings of the 21sh century which allows the game to have characters of all colours.

2) What is orientalism? 
A type of racism where the West thought the East was a threat and were all savages and so the Westerners had to go and make these people more "civilised".

3) How does the article suggest orientalism applies to Horizon Forbidden West? 
We can see how in the game Aloy is a White American character, however there are other character who are from other cultures such as East Asian, Black, Indian, etc.

4) Who is the player encouraged to identify with in the game and how does this influence how representations are constructed?  
By taking the player on this adventure that Aloy goes on.

5) Finally, what did the writer of the article (an Asian American) feel when playing the game?
She felt discriminated due to Orientalism within the representations of culture, design choices etc.

Focusing on Aloy and the representation of women in videogames, read this Forbes feature on the topic. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the debate regarding Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West? 
Regarding the attractiveness of Aloy.

2) What examples are provided of other female characters and representations in videogames?
Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, Genshin Impact and Bayonetta - they all have female characters wearing "skimpy outfits" and have sexist depictions of women

3) What are the issues facing the videogame industry in terms of gender?  
The industry has issues with female employees and female characters that have all been made for the male gaze - and they are made for "attractiveness". PlayStation is facing gender discrimination.


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