
Showing posts from April, 2023

Advertising: Sephora Black Beauty Is Beauty CSP

  Wider reading on Sephora Black Beauty Is Beauty Read these articles on the Sephora campaign:  The Drum: Black Beauty is Beauty by RGA Glossy: Sephora celebrates Black beauty in new digital and TV campaign Refinery29: Sephora’s ‘Black Beauty Is Beauty’ Short Film Celebrates Black Innovation Complete the following questions/tasks: 1) What was Sephora trying to achieve with the campaign? In this campaign, Sephora was trying to highlight everything about "black beauty" and diversity by showing the history of make-up and beauty and how they were made mostly by the black community and the men that are shown to be wearing make-up in the advertisement. 2) What scenes from the advert are highlighted as particularly significant in the articles? Some scenes that would be highlighted would be the split screen images of the makeup and the archived image of the salon with black women in them, there is also another split screen image of a plan of a hairbrush which was made by the black co

Advertising: Introduction to Postcolonialism

Create a new blog post called 'Advertising: Postcolonial theory blog tasks'. Read ‘The Theory Drop: Postcolonialism and Paul Gilroy’ in MM75  (p28). You'll  find our Media Magazine archive here  - remember you'll need your Greenford Google login to access. Answer the following questions on your blog: 1) Look at the first page. What is colonialism - also known as  cultural imperialism?  This is the idea that the native people were intellectually inferior, and that the white colonisers were the ones who held more knowledge as they considered themselves more "civil" than the natives. 2) Now look at the second page. What is postcolonialism?  It exists to question the white patriarchal views and how they relate to other races 3) How does Paul Gilroy suggest postcolonialism influences British culture? In his 2005 book, he suggests that Britain has "not quite faced up to its colonial past, that the national psyche had " 4) What is 'othering'? It sug