
Showing posts from September, 2023

OSP: Influencers and celebrity culture

  1) Media Magazine reading Media Magazine 72 has a feature linking YouTube influencers to A Level media theories. Go to  our Media Magazine archive , click on MM72 and scroll to page 60 to read the article ‘The theory of everything - using YouTubers to understand media theory’. Answer the following questions: 1) How has YouTube "democratised media creativity"? It is said that "content is published first and then filtered and judged later." We can say that people find whatever they find appropriate. 2) How does YouTube and social media culture act as a form of cultural imperialism or 'Americanisation'?  YouTube allows people to make whatever they want and post it to the public, and mostly these creators are American and make videos mainly targeted at an English-speaking audience. 3) How do influencers reinforce capitalist ideologies?  We can see this from all of the brands that they sponsor or appear in to sell towards their fans/audience. 4) How can YouTube

OSP: Clay Shirky - End of audience

  Clay Shirky: End of audience blog tasks Media Magazine reading Media Magazine 55 has an overview of technology journalist Bill Thompson’s conference presentation on ‘What has the internet ever done for me?’ It’s an excellent summary of the internet’s brief history and its impact on society. Go to  our Media Magazine archive , click on MM55 and scroll to page 13 to read the article ‘What has the internet ever done for me?’ Answer the following questions: 1) Looking over the article as a whole, what are some of the positive developments due to the internet highlighted by Bill Thompson? It allows people to share their opinions more openly as more people are able to see it, this can also range to news and how majority of people can read them. 2) What are the negatives or dangers linked to the development of the internet? There are some people who use the internet in an abusive manner such as cyberbullying, grooming or engage into extremist groups. 3) What does ‘open technology’ refer to?